The big patent news this holiday season involves a purported ban on the new Apple Watch. In October 2023, the International Trade Commission (the “ITC”) ruled that the blood oxygen monitoring features in these devices infringed a patent from Masimo, a medical device company. (Inv. No. 337-TA-1266). In response, Apple has announced that it will
U.S. International Trade Commission
Registering Your Intellectual Property Rights With Customs: A Proactive Measure to Block The Importation of Infringing Goods Into The U.S.
By Devin Ricci & Stephen Hanemann on
Posted in Intellectual Property, International Trade
Each year, millions of dollars in counterfeit goods enter the U.S. According to the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development, the international trade of counterfeit and pirated goods amounted to as much as $509 billion in 2016.[1] From 2003 through 2018, the number of seizures of infringing goods by the U.S. Customs and Border…